Educator Resources

Course Curriculum
View our vast collection of curriculum resources for AT related courses.

Starting a Drone Program
See step-by-step resources to guide you through starting a drone program at your school.

Professional Development $$
NCAT has funding available for professional development - apply today!
What's Your Story?
Be inspired or help to inspire others. Read stories or share yours here.
Lending Library
NCAT offers educators the opportunity to borrow out equipment for utilization to enhance their programs.
DACUM & KSA reports that support technician-level education & workforce development related to AT.
Videos & Webinars
View our vast collection of video resources, including webinars, tutorials and content related to AT.
AT Program Finder
Use the map developed by the GeoTech Center to discover Advanced Technical Programs throughout the United States.
Find A DronePro
A DronePro is an FAA Safety Team Rep or Lead Rep that has a higher than average knowledge of Drone operations and is willing to help pilots in the community with Drone related subjects and issues.
Universal Design for Learning
View our vast collection of UAS-CTI Curriculum. All content meets or exceeds accessibility standards.