Autonomous Technology Domains
Uses for uncrewed Aircraft
Uncrewed aircraft systems, commonly known as drones, are being used by many industries from agriculture to zoology. The use of drones has led to increased safety, decreased costs and less impact on wildlife and their habitats. Here are some of the ways they are being used:
Precision Agriculture
Medical Transport
Search and Rescue
Disease Control
Autonomous Land Uses
Today, every vehicle manufacture has some version of autonomous technology implemented. From the simplest systems that use ultrasonic distance sensors to detect and alert the driver that they are about to backup into a tree; to vehicles that use light sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, LIDAR, radar, GPS, live traffic data, and vehicle-to-vehicle data transferring to fully drive, accelerate, and brake a vehicle down an interstate or through inner-city congested traffic without human interaction. Here are some of the ways autonomous technology is being used:
Precision Agriculture
Uncrewed Vessels and Submarines
Uncrewed maritime systems (UMS) are typically categorized as remotely operate vehicles (ROVs), Uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) and uncrewed undersea vehicles (UUVs). Collectively these are being used by many industries from aquaculture to energy and defense. The use of UMS has led to increased safety, decreased costs, and in some cases operations that are otherwise impossible. Here are some of the ways they are being used: