Learn from our Subject Matter Experts on
Drone Operations & Best Practices
Learn safety tips, best practices when it comes to logging your flights, drone simulators and how they are used to educate students and pre and post flight checklist templates that can be used to ensure a safe and enjoyable flight.
Develop your skills
NCAT recommends starting your drone flying journey virtually. Simulators are a great tool for growing your flight confidence and skills.
Simulator Info Know your drone
Every responsible drone pilot knows their aircraft. User manuals are a great way to get familiar with your drone and the first stop to ensuring it is safe to fly.
User Manuals B4UFly App
The FAA's B4UFly initiative is a great place to review the rules and airspace before flying. View the B4UFly Airspace Map here.
Safety Rules Field Resources
Proper documentation is critical for record keeping of aircraft and flights. Many commercial drones automatically log flights, but NCAT recommends supplementary records to ensure continuity across platforms, pilots, and flights. Other log book options can be found here.
Log Book Template Get into a routine
Getting into a good routine, and following the same steps before each and every flight is critical for a safe operation. Watch these videos to see the DRONETECH team go through their checklists before flight.
DRONETECH: Mission Preparation Checklist.
Printable Checklist DRONETECH: Mission Preparation Checklist.