Voting Member (Industry) – Represent US companies or organizations that design, manufacture, operate, test, provide services for or otherwise directly support drone systems or the drone industry.
Voting Member (Government & Academia) – Represent US government agencies or wholly academic institutions (e.g. not corporations such as “institutes” that may be associated or affiliated with an academic institution) that design, operate, test, regulate or conduct RDT&E activities for drones.
Associate Members (non-voting) – Represent US companies, organizations or associations that do not meet the criteria for voting members but who are stakeholders in safely integrating drones into the National Airspace System.
Observers (non-voting) – Are entities who do not fall into the above categories but that have a unique perspective or ability to contribute to DST activities. Observers may include certain non-US government agencies, such as regulators.
Voting Member organizations may select one Primary member who votes on behalf of the organization. Organizations may also designate an Alternate member who votes when the primary member is unavailable. Observers (from any type of organization) are non-voting members and may be allowed to attend when there is value to the DST.